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What Eyebrow Shape Suits You?

Writer's picture: RayRay

Want to know what eyebrow shape suits you? More than likely it is the shape that your eyebrows already are. Not to sound cute, but most of us have eyebrows that may

need some work… but usually not major reshaping.

Hey, you may love the way JLo, or Beyonce's eyebrows look, but that doesn't mean that the same shape, thickness and arch will look good on you.

So, if you want to know what eyebrow shape suits you, you may want to start by looking in the mirror. Of course, if you aren't totally satisfied with your eyebrows there are many things you can do that don't require a total restructure.

Most of us can make dramatic improvement by simply adding a small amount of shaping and /or some thinning to our existing eyebrows. It can be a little more difficult to try to change the arch of your brows.

It's not impossible, of course, but if you have never done it before, it can be a challenge. And remember, if you mess it up you will look a little goofy until everything grows back.

To compound the goofiness you also have to remember that you will also need to even up both brows so they look at least close to the same shape, thickness and size.

So, if you want to do your brows yourself make sure that you allow enough time and I wouldn't recommend you try it for the first time right before a big occasion, just in case there is a problem.

So to get the best shape for you, you should probably just start with removing unwanted hair that is growing below, beside and above your main eyebrow line.

Just removing some extra "scruff" can make your eyebrows look more manicured and attractive. You may not even need to alter the shape or arch that much, you may just want to trim them so they are more defined and not so wild looking.

If you want to remove the unwanted hair for as long of a time as possible, you should either pluck or wax. You should not shave your eyebrows since this can actually promote more growth and you will just need to do more to keep your brows looking good... and who wants that?

Though plucking and waxing does hurt, it can also provide more of a permanent hair loss. Since you are taking the hair by the root, you won't have more hair growth until the hair can grow back from the root, and that will take upwards of two months.

Hey, you don't need to reinvent the wheel. More than likely your basic eyebrow shape is perfect for the shape of your face. You may just want to "neaten" your brows up a little bit to maximize how they look.

To find what eyebrow shape suits you you probably just have to look in the mirror. If you want more than just a little "tidying up" you may want to find a professional to do it for you.


Aug 11, 2022

I don’t care about the shape or arch or how my brow is. I just want to darken it a bit (I believe it’s call make-up) because nature did not endowed me with a visible pair. To lessen the work and time I spend each morning in the bathroom, I took advantage of the then available “tattoo” in the market place. The beautician insisted she must do or can’t do the job her way (whatever that is) and not the way I wanted. That was how I received an unsatisfactory and irreversible (almost, I think) eyebrow workout!

Sep 12, 2022
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